Privacy Policy
- Personal Data
Personal data corresponds to any information, in relation to an identified or identifiable natural person, of any nature and regardless of the type of medium.
Any identifiable person may be identificated, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier (eg an identification number, location data, identifiers by electronic means or to one or more specific elements of the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social nature of such a natural person).
Through this website, and depending on the purpose of collecting data, the following personal information may be collected: name, date of birth, contacts (telephone and email), information necessary and relevant to the evaluation of the suitability of candidates for job opportunities at Eventors’Lab, namely the professional experience and academic qualifications and interest in the acquisition of the services provided by this company.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the treatment and implementation of a transparent and responsible legal privacy policy, where user and customer data will always be preserved and limited to the authorized purposes.
For any further information about the GDPR, please go to the website of the Comissão Nacional de Proteção de Dados (CNPD).
- Responsible for the Personal Data Processing
The Periodic Table of Events, which owns the trade mark Eventors’ Lab, which identifies itself in the market, is an events’ producer and organizer company and is fully committed to the privacy of the information and personal data acquired through its website or mail for the purposes indicated below.
If you believe that the information contained in this privacy policy is not sufficiently clear and / or transparent, or for any other reason that you consider relevant, please contact us at:
- Purpose of the Personal Data Processing
The collection and processing of personal data at Eventors’ Lab website or e-mail is aimed at the following: provision of services – whenever we need to provide you with our services, we treat your personal data. For this purpose your data will still be processed to provide third party services, when you have expressly consented. Marketing effects – your personal data, traffic, geographic location, profile and / or consumption are also treated for the purposes of marketing or publicizing Eventors’ Lab events and services if you have authorized it. These communications are intended to inform you about the events we produce and support, our services or other opportunities that you may benefit and enjoy. Recruitment and selection of candidates for permanent or temporary work, sending, after express request of the user, service proposals and / or budgets and billing of goods and services, by completing the form corresponding to each of the purposes and / or sending the curriculum vitae (in the case of collection and processing of personal data for the purpose of recruitment and selection of candidates) corresponds to the prior and express consent to the processing of the personal data transmitted.
In case the user expressly permits the processing of his / her personal data (consent which may at any time be withdrawn – see point 5 below), Eventors’ Lab undertakes to ensure the processing of personal data to the extent and for the time necessary to achieve its purposes.
In view of the foregoing, Eventors’ Lab states that it does not solicit or encourage, in any way or in any way, the remission and sending of personal data concerning philosophical or political beliefs, party or union affiliation, religious faith, private life and origin racial or ethnic origin, as well as the processing of data on health and sex life, including genetic data.
Thus, if personal data is transmitted to Eventors’ Lab, it can not be held responsible for its treatment under the Privacy Policy.
Without prejudice to other forms of contact with Eventors ‘Lab the non-transmission of personal data by the user prevents Eventors’ Lab from considering it for the purposes of recruitment / sending of proposals and / or budgets or other information, depending on the applicable situation.
- Conservation of Personal Data
The length of time during which personal data are stored and conserved will vary in accordance with the above-mentioned purposes.
In this sense, it should be clarified that personal data concerning potential clients and the recruitment and selection of candidates may be maintained for the period necessary to fulfill the purpose (eg if the candidate integrates Eventors’ Lab), If the person do not integrate Eventors’ Lab, this data may be kept in reserve for future recruitment processes, without prejudice to the right of the holder to request the deletion of their data, at any time, as indicated in section 5 below).
Personal data whose purpose is to send offers of services and or budgets or information regarding new products and / or services of Eventors’ Lab will be stored for a period of twelve (12) months after the last contact with the data owner without prejudice to the fact that longer periods may be applied whenever the situation justifies (provided proportionally to such situation), in particular to safeguard the rights, also of Eventors’ Lab.
- Right of access, rectification, erasure, limitation of treatment and right of portability of Personal Data
It’s guaranteed for the user, at any time, the right of access to his / her personal data, as well as the rectification, elimination, portability, limitation and / or opposition to the treatment. In this sense, he may exercise any of these rights, in writing, to Eventors’ Lab through the headquarters address (Av. Dom Afonso Henriques, 815. 4th floor, Matosinhos) or through the following e-mail:
- Security in Personal Data Treatment
Personal data will be processed and stored in a computer and/or in paper’s format.
Eventors’ Lab is committed to ensuring the security and protection of personal data that you send us through the website, forms, applications, contracts and requests for information or budget, and has taken the appropriate measures necessary for this purpose.
Eventors’ Lab informs that these security measures are reviewed and updated according to the needs and requirements of this subject.
If, for any reason, there is a breach of security that unintentionally or unintentionally causes the destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure or unauthorized access to personal data, Eventors’ Lab undertakes, in accordance with the applicable legislation, to notify the competent authorities without undue delay and, where possible, within 72 hours of becoming aware of such occurrence.
Notwithstanding the security measures adopted by Eventors’ Lab, it should be pointed out that users should also take additional security measures, such as ensuring that there is an up-to-date active firewall, antivirus and antispyware.
- Communication of Personal Data to Outsourced
As part of its activity, Eventors’ Lab may use third parties to provide certain services (located inside or outside the European Union), which may imply in some situations the access by such entities to the personal data of users.
In such a scenario, Eventors’ Lab undertakes to take the necessary and appropriate measures to ensure that entities having access to such personal data are reputed and offer high guarantees at this level, which will be duly enshrined and in writing, between Eventors’ Lab and the outsource (s).
Indeed, any entity outsourced by Eventors’ Lab will treat personal data of users, on their behalf, must undertak to take the necessary technical and organizational measures to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, dissemination or unauthorized access and against any other form of illicit treatment.
Whenever necessary, and in connection with the contracting of third parties by Eventors’ Lab, personal data may be transferred outside the European Union, under the terms and conditions permitted by applicable law.
- Right to Forgetfulness
The holder of the personal data shall have the right to obtain from the controller his / her personal data, which in turn shall be obliged to delete them, where one of the following reasons applies: no more necessity for the purpose for which they were collected or processed; the holder withdraws consent, where consent is the legal basis or the holder opposes the treatment and there are no prevailing legitimate interests justifying their maintenance.
- Access to outsources’/partners websites
Our privacy policy is not applicable to ours partners/suppliers websites. In this case, whenever you visit another website from this, you should always read the applicable privacy policy and verify that you agree with its terms before providing your personal data.
Eventors’ Lab is not responsible for the applicable privacy policy or the content made available on the websites of third parties.
- Privacy Policy Changes
Eventors’ Lab reserves itself to the right at all times to make adjustments or changes to this privacy policy, provided that such changes will be duly published on this website and communicated to the owners of the personal data.
The version published on this website is the one currently used.
- Images
Eventors’ Lab captures images in your events, in photo or video format. The purpose of the images, which includes participants and team/staff, is that they may be used in our social networks and promotional videos, with the purpose of gathering portfolio and making of of the events. These are thus merely served for promotional purposes.
By ticking the box, it is understood that you accept our privacy policy and the treatment of your personal data described above.